Resolute Capital Markets
Alpha Generation
 We use technical analysis to generate Alpha and seek out Long/Short opportunities in US Equities seeking returns of 10% or better. We are generalists with regards to sector and industry and focus mainly on small, medium & large cap stocks. When seeking out Long/Short idea's liquidity is a major criteria, usually with a minimum of 1mm shares traded daily.

 Through technical analysis we focus on Swing Trades that last a few days to 2 weeks and Short/Intermediate term holding periods that max out at 3 months. We will, on occasion recommend a longer term holding period if we feel it is warranted and will provide as much fundamental & technical analysis to support our conclusion.

The Alpha Generation when combined with our Execution platform provides an extremely effective "1,2 Punch". 

 For more information on our past performance please contact Andy Fletcher at: [email protected]